Beck's Model
Dysfunctional behavior is dysfunctional thinking, and that thinking processes are shaped by underlying *beliefs*. Situations are interpreted according to basic beliefs and acted on accordingly. "If beliefs do not change," he said, "there is no improvement. If beliefs change, symptoms change. Beliefs function as little operational units".
Arbitrary Inference: Conclusions drawn without the absence of sufficient evidence.
Selective Abstraction: Conclusion drawn on the basis of but one of many elements in a situation.
Overgeneralization: Overall sweeping conclusion drawn on the basis of a single, perhaps trivial, event.
Magnification and Minimization: Exaggerations or feeling of self worthless
Arbitrary Inference: Conclusions drawn without the absence of sufficient evidence.
Selective Abstraction: Conclusion drawn on the basis of but one of many elements in a situation.
Overgeneralization: Overall sweeping conclusion drawn on the basis of a single, perhaps trivial, event.
Magnification and Minimization: Exaggerations or feeling of self worthless
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